Critics say Holcomb’s tax refund proposal doesn’t go far enough
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A group of Indianapolis clergy says the $1 billion tax refund, proposed by Gov. Eric Holcomb Thursday, isn’t targeted enough to those who need it.
“It is so crucial that this is done with an equity lens, and not just trying to say, ‘oh, I rolled out a billion dollars, how many Hoosiers did you help?” said pastor David Greene of the Concerned Clergy of Indianapolis.
Greene says it doesn’t make sense that someone making $20,000 per year gets the same $225 check as someone making $1 million per year.
“We need to give more to some people, based on total household income, and less to others that have an amount that exceeds a level,” he said.
Greene also wants lawmakers to increase the state’s minimum wage, which he says will provide another layer of relief for Hoosiers during hard times.
“We often hear from our legislators all about the surplus. We went through a pandemic and increased our surplus. If there ever was a time to use money out of your surplus, you would think it’s a pandemic.”
Greene wants Holcomb to suspend the state’s gas tax, at least for a few months, but the governor said he will not do so anytime soon.