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Lafayette boy’s love of water towers gets global attention

LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) — Whether it’s Batavia, Frisco or in Greater Lafayette, William Gossard knows about water towers.

William was born with EAST syndrome. Hearing impairment, seizures and mobility issues are just some of the rare disease’s symptoms.

His mom, Abigail Gossard said, with so much to worry about, family vacations took a backseat.

“We didn’t go anywhere, just Brian and I and the kids,” she said. “It just wasn’t an easy pick up and go.”

It wasn’t until William started pointing out water towers that the family saw an opportunity.

“As we were driving, he started pointing them out along the way,” explained Gossard.

So, the Gossards spent much of a 1-hour trip to Texas pointing out water towers.

“He said what town is this, what’s it say, and so it just kind of became a thing,” she said.

A Facebook post helped take William’s fascination to a new level.

“If you have pictures or you’re out and about, I’d love to see them, put together a book for his birthday and bring it to life,” Gossard said.

Abigail started getting a picture of water towers from all over the world. The farthest away so far is Ireland.

“I didn’t expect it for it to happen, but he got enough for one book and now we’re kind of working toward a Christmas album,” she said.

But the book is much more to the Gossard family.

“Knowing that there is a community of people that are supporting and loving him from all over just makes my heart happy and gives a mom courage to keep going every day,” said Gossard.

The Gossards are working on a second book for William. If you’d like to send William a water tower picture to help with his collection, click here.