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Celebrate the American Heart Association’s 100th Birthday on Monday

The southwest quadrant of Monument Circle in downtown Indianapolis will close in July for an experiment that could lead to a ban of traffic around the the Soldiers & Sailors Monument. (Image Provided)

INDIANAPOLIS (WIBC) — This week, the American Heart Association is recognizing its 100th birthday, and you are invited to join in the celebrations on Monument Circle.

Monday is the AHA’s Founders Day, in honor of the six cardiologists – including one Hoosier! – who formed the American Heart Association in 1924. The organization will be hosting activities from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Here, you can participate in a scavenger hunt, play games, learn hands-only CPR, experience a blood pressure screening, enjoy snacks, and more.

The AHA founders were inspired to start the organization after learning that heart disease had become a leading cause of death. Today, it continues to work toward preventing and addressing heart disease and stroke.

Since 1924, American deaths from cardiovascular disease “have been cut in half.” If you would like to support the organization’s efforts, learn more about donating or volunteering here.