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Community Link: Asian American Alliance

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Each week in Community Link, Carolene Mays and Marco Dominguez take a look at an organization or business that is making a positive impact on the community.

This week, Mays was joined by Rupal Thanawala , Indianapolis board president of Asian American Alliance.

“Asian American Alliance is a nonprofit organization, and we represent over 48 nationalities from Asia. Our mission is to empower Asian Americans to lead and serve in business and community. We were established in 1999 and we have events throughout the year for our members in the entire community,” Thanawala said.

The month of May is Asian Heritage Month.

“Asians have come to the Unites States as early as the 15th century. However, a few years back we started celebrating Asian Heritage Month throughout the nation to recognize the contributions made by Asian Americans in this country, and also give them an opportunity to educate us Americans, of what culture we bring here and celebrate it,” Thanawala said.

Find out more at the Asian Fest on May 21 from 12-5 p.m. located at 4233 Lafayette Road, Indianapolis, IN 46254.

The fest will have arts, music, live performances, and food of Asia. It will also have free health fairs and fun activities for the entire family.

Asian fest is free and welcomes everyone.