Fireworks season starts in Indianapolis
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — It’s almost the 4th of July and that means fireworks season has started in Indianapolis. According to the Marion County Fireworks Ordinance, for the next week and a half it is legal to let off fireworks in Indianapolis during certain hours. However, firefighters ask everyone to be safe and urge people to leave the fireworks to the professionals.
For most of the year, fireworks are illegal in Indianapolis, although they are legal in Indiana. However, the Marion County Fireworks Ordinance allows fireworks usage from June 28 through July 9 between 5 p.m. until two hours after sunset. The only exception is the 4th of July, where fireworks are legal from 10 a.m. until midnight.

According to the ordinance, people must be at least 18 years old to use fireworks or need to have adult supervision. Fireworks can only be used on a resident’s own property or people must get permission from the property owner before setting anything off.
If people break the law they could face a $100 fine for a first offense, a $500 fine for a second offense and a $2,500 dollar fine for a third offense within 12 months. Firefighters are asking the public to be respectful as we approach the 4th of July.
“Just be mindful. Two hours after sunset in Indianapolis, that’s about 11:30 p.m. That is a lot of time to get your firework on, so to speak. From 5 p.m. to about 11:30 at night, I mean that is enough time. You should be able to shoot off your fireworks legally in that time. And remember pets, young people, people have to get up and just be respectful,” said Indianapolis Fire Department Chief Courtney Gordon.
The Indianapolis Fire Department said that since June began, they have already received around 1,300 fireworks calls in Indianapolis. They ask people with non-emergency fireworks complaints to call the non-emergency dispatch line at 311 or (317) 327-3811.