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Funeral plans form for late Vigo County Sheriff John Plasse

Memorial to the late Vigo County Sheriff John Plasse, outside the Sheriff's office in Terre Haute (Courtesy of Vigo County Sheriff's Office)

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WISH) — Funeral services have been set, but procession plans have not yet been completed for the late leader of the Vigo County Sheriff’s Department.

Sheriff John Plasse died Wednesday at age 60 after a struggle with cancer, the department announced on Wednesday.

In announcing his death, colleagues expressed the highest of praise for Plasse, pledging to keep “serving Vigo County with the same energy, integrity, and goodwill that John Plasse taught by his leadership and example. We will remember him and be grateful that we were privileged to serve in his company and shared a common commitment to public service.”

The sheriff’s office has released some of the details for events, both public and private.

All were welcomed to a visitation and a funeral service. The service will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the Hulman Center, 200 N. 8th Street in Terre Haute. Visitation runs from noon to 2 p.m.

The funeral service will follow immediately after the calling.

Graveside services will be private.

The sheriff’s office posted on social media Friday night, “A parking map for the funeral services set for Monday, July 29th as well as the full processional route will be posted this weekend. General public parking will be located at the Indiana State University parking garage on 8th St., attached to the Terre Haute transit (Not Convention Center parking garage). You can expect the procession route to head west on Cherry St. from Hulman Center, south on 1st St. to the Vigo County Sheriff’s Office, East on Davis Drive, north on 7th St. by the Terre Haute Police Department, and east on US Highway 40/Wabash Ave. While we cannot state an exact time the funeral procession will begin, we are estimating near 3:30pm.”

To pay respects at any time, the sheriff’s office invited people to visit the memorial to Plasse in front of the department’s office at 600 W. Honey Creek Drive.