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Green alert system goes into effect to help at-risk missing Indiana veterans

This May 19, 2014 photo shows a a sign in front of the Veterans Affairs building in Washington, DC. The VA and Secretary Eric Shinseki are under fire amid reports by former and current VA employees that up to 40 patients may have died because of delayed treatment at an agency hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. AFP PHOTO / Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images via CNN)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — On Monday, legislation that passed during the 2024 legislative session meant to help Indiana’s veterans will go into effect across the state.

Housing Enrolled Act 1021 which creates a Green Alert, similar to Indiana’s Amber and Silver alerts, that will notify law enforcement and the public that a missing person is an at-risk veteran.

According to Indiana Green Alert, the missing person must be missing due to a physical or mental health condition related to the veteran’s military service.

Furthermore, all requests must be recommended, and veteran status must be verified by a law enforcement agency within their jurisdiction.

Indiana State Rep. Mitch Gore, (D), authored HEA 1021 and says that adding this alert system adds a sense of urgency and allows the public and law enforcement to be fully informed.

“Our veterans risk their lives defending American freedom and democracy, and they deserve the best services available to keep them safe when they return. The Green Alert system will save lives,” Gore said.

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