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How to help out at US Olympic Team Trials for swimming in Indy

Volunteers needed for US Olympic Trials for swimming in Indy

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The U.S. Olympic swim team trials this month are a wonderful way to get involved in the Circle City.

Enough helping hands will ensure a successful and smooth event.

“That is really the special sauce of what makes Indianapolis so special when events come to town; it’s really our volunteers,” said Dan Gliot, senior director of Indiana Sports Corp, a nonprofit that works to host world-class sporting events in the state.

Indianapolis will be host to 1,000 athletes from across the nation and more than 250,000 fans for the 2024 U.S. Olympic swim team trials, which will require significant community support.

“We’re going to have volunteers out at the USA Swimming Live, inside the Convention Center for Toyota Aqua Zone. We have greeters out at the airport so when fames come flying in, they will be welcomed,” Gliot said.

Indiana Sports Corp projects about 7,000 volunteer shifts from Sunday through June 23, and, on Tuesday, was urgently looking for more assistance.

“Right now, we are still looking for some help here for USA Swimming Live and also inside the Convention Center. Some retail shop opportunities to help sell all the gear.”

In addition, city organizations are working to beautify Indianapolis by planting seasonal flowers and greenery on streets that will be impacted by heavy foot traffic.

Taylor Schaffer is president and chief executive officer of Downtown Indy Inc., a nonprofit that promotes the downtown area. Schaffer said about the beautification efforts, “As soon as someone steps into downtown Indianapolis, that they know this is the place to see the Olympic swim trials and a place that’s connecting world-class athletes to the Olympic Games in Paris.”

The Hoosier State is ready to make a big splash as Olympians are named for the 2024 journey to Paris. “If you sign yourself up to volunteer, you win yourself an ‘All Lanes lead to Indy’ gold medal. To get involved in volunteerism, registration is still open online.

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