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Indiana Grown: Drift Botanicals

Indiana Grown: Drift Botanicals

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Each and every Saturday, WISH-TV highlights a local company together with our partners at Indiana Grown.

This week, Kelly Conway, and her daughter, Iris, with Drift Botanicals join News 8 at Daybreak.

Focused on environmentally sustainable cleaning and eliminating plastic waste, Drift Botanicals offers plant-based cleaning supplies.

Kelly shares with News 8 the importance of organic cleaning and how their business started.

“I actually got started when the kids were little and I was cleaning houses,” she said. “I knew right away I wanted to make my own cleaning products because conventional products aren’t always the best. I really wanted clean ingredients, I wanted them to be safe and effective cleaners, and I wanted sustainable packaging.

All of Drift Botanical’s cleaning products come in refillable glass bottles. They have several “refill stations” for their products in central Indiana, including one on Indianapolis’ northwest side.

The Conways also share their process of growing and steam distilling their own essential oils.

“Part of really clean ingredients is we wanted to scent our products, but we didn’t want to use synthetic fragrances,” Kelly said. “So, my husband and I got to wor. He’s a great gardener, so we grow all of our own plant materials and we steam distill them into essential oils and use those to scent the products.”

They also discuss their recognition by Better Homes & Gardens as one of the best glass cleaners.

To learn more, watch the full interview above.