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National Coming Out Day celebrates LGBTQ+ community

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — National Coming Out Day is a way to create community and empower the LGBTQ+ community.

Chris Paulsen, the chief executive officer of the Indiana Youth Group, said, “Indianapolis has a huge LGBTQ community and it’s really important that we lean on each other. Knowing there is a community even if your family of origin doesn’t accept you there is a whole family waiting to accept and embrace who you really are.”

Alan Witchey, the president and chief executive officer of the Damien Center, said, “Days like this are established so we can remember where we come from and where we’re going. It’s about our history. It’s about our current times and it’s about where we are going.”

Advocates said it is important to remember those who are not able to come out are still valid members of the LGBTQ+ community.

“A lot of times it’s not safe for young people to come out,” Paulsen said. “Parents might withhold food or shelter or other supports so whether youth feel safe coming out or not, I think it’s important that they see people that are supportive.”

“They may be a young person who doesn’t have a supportive family, they may not feel safe at work, or they may not feel safe at school,” Witchey said. “What’s wonderful about this day is that it does celebrate people wherever they are on that journey, whether they’re at that place where they’re out and very open and comfortable, or whether they are working through that journey and figuring it out. They’re still part of the community and we celebrate you wherever you are.”