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Officials concerned about fentanyl-laced prescription pills

Public health officials worried about fentanyl-laced pills

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Fentanyl is supposed to be used for pain relief, but it is more powerful than morphine, and is extremely dangerous if misused.

Public health officials say drug dealers are lacing prescription pills with fentanyl, meaning unsuspecting people who buy these pills may end up overdosing.

“It can be a Xanax, it can be an Adderall. Any kind of pill where there is an ability to make a fake-pressed pill with a device you can purchase and mix fentanyl in, mix whatever drug in to make it look like a Xanax and it’s not a Xanax,” said Justin Phillips, CEO and founder of Overdose Lifeline.

Phillips worries that people who can’t or won’t get a prescription for these medications may end up buying them off the streets.

“That I’ve been told by my friend that xanax can help me with my anxiety and make me feel better and my friend has some xanax for me to try,” adds Phillips.

The Drug Enforcement Agency says two out of every five pills laced with fentanyl have a potentially lethal dose. That’s why Phillips says you should never purchase prescription drugs from anywhere except a pharmacy.

“My intention is to get you to like what you purchased from me, it’s just that I’m not a chemist, I don’t have the proper tools for mixing chemicals safely, so one pill has a bunch of fentanyl and it’s going to kill me, and one pill has none, but there is no way of knowing,” said Phillips.

Overdose lifeline is giving away free naloxone and fentanyl test strips. These can be used to test any prescription pills for traces of fentanyl.