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Randy’s back! Q&A with a Daybreak favorite about his surprise Monday appearance

Randy Ollis prepares his first Daybreak forecast in a year! (WISH PHOTO/Scott Sander)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Longtime viewers of WISH-TV’s Daybreak got a welcome surprise Monday morning, as their longtime favorite morning meteorologist returned for the first time since his retirement in August.

As soon as Randy Ollis walked in the door, he and his old morning partner returned to ribbing, reflecting, and reminiscing.

Scott Sander: We have new security. How did you get in here?

Randy Ollis: I walked into the door and the guard met me. He asked me my name, and I had to repeat it to him. So he told me to go into the conference room and just sit there until he cleared it and somebody would call and come get me. Nobody ever called to come get me.

Scott: Did you tell the boss you would only return on a Weather Alert day?

Randy: Ha! I was hoping it’s gonna be clear and sunny all the way through.

Scott: We’ve missed you. Have you missed us?

Randy: Huh? Ha!

News 8 Anchor Scott Sander and Randy Ollis behind the scenes on Daybreak (WISH PHOTO/Scott Sander)

Scott: If you haven’t missed us, have you missed the viewers?

Randy: Absolutely! Absolutely! I’ve missed you guys, too. I’ll be honest, I was shocked that I got asked to come back. Ashley texted me Friday evening and also said ‘Hey, if you’re not interested that’s OK,’ but I thought ‘I’ll come back!’

I’ll be glad to do it but, it’s been almost a year since I have been on the air. So here’s the thing: Ryan is here getting things ready and everything and doing all the work. So nothing changed from when I was here full-time; somebody else is doing it.

Scott: Give us highlights from a trip you’ve taken in retirement.

Randy: We were in Italy in May, and it’s a long story. My wife and me were group leaders to go over there. I told them I knew nothing about what I’m doing. They said ‘You’re overqualified!’ Anyways, we were the group leaders, and we had a blast. About 15 of us went, most of them were viewers in central Indiana, and we had such a good time. So we are gonna go to Ireland in August of next year! We already have 11 or 12 people signed up to go, and if you want to go, go to my Facebook page and find the link to sign up…

Scott: Always the salesman…

Randy: Always!

Randy flipped the script and brought donuts to the station. Usually, people brought donuts to him! (WISH PHOTO/ Scott Sander)

Scott: How happy are you that Ryan (Morse), Brittany (Noble), and Jeremy (Jenkins) have probably not heard all your jokes yet?

Randy: I actually may get some authentic laughs this morning. There’s a first time for everything.

Scott: How has your better half, Alison, adjusted to seeing you ALL day, EVERY day?

Randy: The rumor is that she called the station and she asked or even begged the station to have me come back and just get me out of the house. So yeah, she’s glad I’m here today.

Randy’s first Daybreak forecast in a year (Scott Sander photo)

Scott: You scared us a couple of times in the past – but look healthy and strong this morning. You doing well?

Randy: I’m doing great. In fact, I think I’m more healthy. I’ve been working out twice a day. I ride through the streets, and I walk, and I work out in the gym in our neighborhood. I dropped about 10 or 15 pounds. I got off sweets for about three months. Once I got off and I kept working out, it started dropping off. I’m (also) cancer-free! It’s been seven years. Can you believe that? Seven years! So I am very blessed to be in the position that I’m in right now you’re looking great.

Scott: We’re blessed to have you back for a day. Love you, man.

Randy: Same here. I’m glad to be back with you, all of you guys.