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State police increase DUI patrols during New Year’s weekend

Police increase DUI patrols this weekend

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Despite the abundance of rideshare services available, Indiana State Police say the number of DUI-related incidents haven’t decreased over the past few years.

“We usually do saturation patrols, and we’ll find an area that is seeing a high volume of impaired driving,” Indiana State Police Sergeant Scott Keegan said. “We will put all of our units in that area there specifically looking for impaired drivers.”

Mothers Against Drunk Driving launched an ad campaign that includes testimonials from those whose lives have been upended by a drunk driver.

“I lost my sister Lisa Strueh she was killed in Hendricks County on April 6, 2016,” Denise Niblick said. “She was killed by an underage drunk and drugged driver,”

Niblick serves as MADD’s victim services coordinator for Indiana. Niblick said 232 Hoosiers were killed by drunk drivers in 2021. Nationally, 37 people are killed each day by drunk drivers.

“Even though the resources are out there, people still think, ‘Oh, I’ve only had a couple, I’m still ok to drive, I don’t need to spend money to get an Uber of Lyft to take me somewhere,’” said Keegan.

Niblick said if you plan on going out for New Year’s Eve, plan ahead. Have someone drop you off so you aren’t tempted to get behind the wheel of a car and drive drunk.

“Once you start drinking, once you’re in that social atmosphere, your judgment is literally impaired by alcohol, said Niblick. “So, making the decision to get home safely is a much harder decision if you haven’t planned ahead to have no vehicle.”

Niblick said drinking coffee, water, or eating a big meal will not reverse intoxication. She urges parents who have a teenage driver to talk with them about the dangers of driving while drunk.