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Summer jobs available at Indy parks

Indy Parks is hiring for lifeguards and other positions. (photo courtesy: Indy Parks)

INDIANAPOLIS (Inside INdiana Business) — Indy Parks is looking to fill more than 400 positions for the summer season, and it is offering new incentives to “sweeten the pot.” The department is offering two different hiring bonuses to new hires, as well as current and part-time seasonal employees for referring job applicants.

A $200 “Early Bird” sign-on bonus will be paid to new and returning seasonal employees once 100 hours have been worked.

Indy Parks is also offering a $200 bonus to part-time seasonal and part-time year-round staffers who refer a new hire.

Indy Parks has a long list of available positions, including camp counselors, cashiers, lifeguards, among others. Click here to learn more about available jobs and bonuses.