YMCA of Greater Indianapolis looking to hire hundreds for summer jobs

(Provided Photo/YMCA of Greater Indianapolis)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Looking for some summer work?  

The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis is looking to hire more than 650 people ages 14 and up. The jobs include lifeguards, swim instructors, camp counselors, and camp-site directors.

For day camps, the YMCA is hiring nearly 500 people ages 16 and older to provide programming for children and serve in all camp positions. Hourly pay will range from $10-$16.50 depending on the position. 

The YMCA will look to hire 150 to 200 people to staff indoor and outdoor pools as lifeguards, swim instructors, and more, with free training and positions available for applicants as young as 14. 

The Y offers flexible schedules so employees can work around sports, band practices, other jobs, and more. The positions pay between $9.25 to $15.  

There are over 15 camp locations throughout Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, and Marion counties, with 10 indoor and outdoor pools.  

The YMCA is offering a variety of work schedules and locations. 

Those hired will have multiple benefits, including onsite childcare, reduced rates for camps, and free memberships. 

“You won’t find jobs more fun than these,” said Natasha Bellak, vice president of youth development. “You’ll spend your days doing fun activities, enjoying the summer weather, and helping people have a good time.” 

Free training is provided for all positions, including safety, first aid, risk management, and child abuse prevention. 

Day camp employees are eligible for discounted child care and will receive all necessary training for free. Some jobs could evolve into year-round positions.