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Pay inequities for Black women

Multicultural Spotlight | Pay inequities for Black women

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Reminders of this nation’s painful history show in the lives of people of color every day, and one way is through the manifestation of inequities.

Many inequities are the result of systemic racism, which affects the wages that millions of Black women are paid for working full-time jobs.

WISH-TV contributor Emil Ekiyor spoke about the topic on Wednesday on News 8.

When looking at the 25 states with largest number of Black women working full-time jobs, numbers showed Black women are paid between half and two-thirds of a cent on every dollar paid to white men, according to the national advocacy group National Partnership for Women & Families.

The organization’s website described the group as a “national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to make life better for women and families.”

According to a fact sheet published by the group in October 2022, Black women are paid just 64 cents for every dollar paid to white men. Even when looking just at people working full time year-round, Black women are still only paid 67 cents for every dollar paid to white men.

The fact sheet cited factors as contributing to the issue. Those factors included “gender and racial discrimination, workplace harassment, job segregation and a lack of workplace policies that support family caregiving,” which it said is “most often” done by women.

Forbes in March published information to show women of all races are paid 84 cents for every dollar paid to men.

The fact sheet, published by the National Partnership for Women and Families in October 2022, reported women were paid 77 cents for every dollar paid to men.