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Prayer service, rally support DACA program

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – On Tuesday, dozens of people came together to pray for those in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and urge the community to take action against President Donald Trump’s plan to end the program.

People of several different faiths gathered at St. Gabriel Catholic Church for the event. Many of those in attendance were undocumented immigrants who are in the United States under the DACA program.

“I came here when I was 14 years old. June 29 of 2000. I cannot forget,” said one woman here under the program who asked only to be identified as Lizeth.

For the past 17 years the Colombia native has called the United States home.

“I came here with just my mom who was a single mother. We came to the United States because we were fleeing the war in Colombia,” Lizeth said.

So she and her mother made a life in Indianapolis. Lizeth has since graduated from Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis and now works two jobs, one as a graphic designer and one at a nonprofit.

“I just want them to know that I’m not here to steal anyone’s job or do anything wrong. I’m just a human being,” she said.

After speaking and singing outside, the group moved inside the church and prayed.

“It is great that we as a community come together and pray together because he (God) is the only one that at this point can change hearts and can change minds,” Lizeth said.

Religious leaders said they want people feel inspired and ready to act.

“I’m hoping that hope will guide people to action and that action will change laws,” said the Rev. Shannon MacVean-Brown with Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapols.

She said people who support DACA should write or call members of Congress and come to prayer vigils.

Many here under the program say they hope to one day become citizens.

“I would like to just have the chance to live a life that is normal and just work in my career and pay my dues as everybody else. That’s all I ask for,” said Lizeth.

The event was organized by thr group IndyCAN.