Spring Cleaning Your Communication Habits
As the seasons change, and we move from cold and grey to more sunshine and vibrant colors, it’s a great time to clean out your old communication habits and make room for more relevant and effective communicating methods.
Lisa Mitchell, Communications Expert & Founder of Power Body Language, shares how we can “spring clean” our communication habits.
1. Clean Up Your Email Chaos
Nothing can be more stress inducing than an email inbox that’s backlogged or filled with things you don’t need or get value from. Block some time to file emails you need to keep track of, clear out the old emails that don’t require action or have expired offers, and unsubscribe to any retailer or newsletter emails that you don’t want showing up in your inbox anymore. It’s amazing the mental bandwidth you get back when you don’t feel buried by your emails!
2. Get Your Desktop/Home Screen and Apps Under Control
When you have to swipe through 7 different pages of apps to find the one thing you use the most, it’s time to organize your home screen and mobile apps. Taking a few minutes to create folders based on app type or how often use them can restore order to your home screen and make you more efficient. For laptops or computers, organizing your desktop files into easy-to-find folders or moving documents into cloud storage like dropbox or google docs will keep your desktop organized and uncluttered and make it easier to find the files you need when you need them.
3. Do A Social Media Audit
Do you feel like you’re wasting too much time on social media or find yourself feeling worse after scrolling through your feeds instead of better? If you’re spending your precious time mindlessly flipping from app to app or engaging with people who don’t make your life better or add value, it’s time to clean your social house. Unfollow people who don’t add value to you, delete apps that don’t enhance your life, and reclaim your emotional energy. You don’t owe it to anyone to give them your energy on social media.
Getting a handle on your email, organizing your digital spaces, and cleaning your social media house can go a long way to bring you peace of mind and a fresh mindset for Spring.
For more information, visit www.powerbodylanguage.com, or connect with Lisa on Instagram: @lisamitchellindy.