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Thursday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here’s a look at Thursday’s business headlines.


Artificial intelligence can be used to spot Alzheimer’s six years before a patient would normally be diagnosed.

The computers can detect small changes in brain scans that are so subtle that humans can’t see them.

The University of California system proved to be 100 percent accurate at detecting Alzheimer’s disease many years before the patient was diagnosed.


OPEC meets this weekend and could strike back against the U.S., which is now producing more oil than Russia and Saudi Arabia.

OPEC may return to production cuts next year to boost prices.

Silicon Valley

President Trump says he’s open to working with Democrats to regulate tech companies.

Congress has been debating potential regulators of Facebook, Twitter and Google since the 2016 election, when foreign governments attempted to influence the results.

Some lawmakers want US tech companies to face regulators like what is being done Europe.


One in seven Americans think they already have the next “game-changing” business idea.

New research from the Northwestern Mutual of 8,000 Americans examining their business ideas, dreams and journey to becoming a business owner found as many as 55 percent think they have an idea that could be a genuine winner.

Of those with a business idea, 31 percent are confident they have an idea so strong it could change the world and make waves across its chosen identity.