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Food in Transit

June 13, 2024

A hub for navigating Indianapolis is a temporary center of nutrition, too, as the Food in Transit program starts for the season. The program uses the Julia Carson Transit Center as a summertime distribution center for free food and knowledge.

The innovative initiative launched in 2018. Since then, organizers have tweaked the format but have stayed true to the goal – to provide healthy food, demonstrations, and recipes for all.

The demonstrations aim to teach techniques that will work with all kinds of food.

The food distribution is from 2 – 5 p.m. every Thursday through September 29. The cooking demos are the second and fourth Thursday of each month.

There is no charge for any of the food or information and no application process for the food or information. Organizers welcome everyone to come.

“You don’t have to live in a certain ZIP code. You don’t have to meet any income barriers. We want to decrease all barriers. Our goal is to increase food accessibility.”