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More scattered cold rain Thursday, temperatures slow to warm into the weekend

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Spring fell asleep on us today as we endured a much colder Wednesday with widely scattered rain and mixed precip. We’re going to slowly warm things up going into the first weekend of April, but several chances for some rain will remain in place.

Wednesday night: Widely scattered rain/mixed precip/snow will remain in place.

Lows will drop into the mid 30s with breezy winds hanging around.

Thursday: We’ll basically rinse and repeat Wednesday’s weather for Thursday. More in the way of widely scattered showers will occur with some bouts of mixed precip/snow at times.

Highs will struggle to get into the mid 40s, but winds will be slightly lighter.

Friday: Dry air finally wins out going into the end of the workweek with a partial decrease in cloud cover. Highs, however, will only get into the upper 40s.

8-Day Forecast: We start to get back into the 50s Saturday, but it will still be below normal for this time of the year. Sunday’s temperatures may struggle to get towards the 60s due to a chance for some showers and increasing cloud cover. We’ll bump into the mid to upper 60s by Monday with partly cloudy skies for the day of the solar eclipse. Additional rain chances are possible next week.