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How to protect lawns, gardens during Indiana’s sudden onset drought

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — For most of the summer, Indiana residents enjoyed lush lawns and vibrant gardens, thanks to regular rainfall that kept the state drought-free.

But, the past month has brought an abrupt change.

Warmer-than-average temperatures and a lack of significant rain have rapidly dried out the ground, leading to unexpected drought conditions across the state. This sudden shift is more than just an inconvenience for homeowners; it poses a threat to the health of local ecosystems, affecting everything from plant growth to wildlife habitats.

Maintaining healthy green spaces during a drought is crucial not just for aesthetic reasons, but also for environmental stability. Healthy lawns and gardens help reduce soil erosion, improve air quality, and provide essential resources for local wildlife. As we face these drier conditions, it’s more important than ever to manage our outdoor spaces sustainably.

Deep watering is key to maintaining a resilient lawn during drought. Watering thoroughly but less frequently encourages deep root growth, making grass more drought-resistant. Watering in the early morning reduces evaporation, ensuring that the moisture reaches the roots where it’s needed most.

Incorporating drought-tolerant plants into your garden is another effective strategy. Native Indiana species, such as purple coneflowers and black-eyed Susans, require minimal water and support local wildlife. Adding mulch around plants and flowerbeds helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

For those looking to make a bigger impact, installing rain barrels can be a smart move. Collecting rainwater during the occasional showers allows for sustainable watering during drier spells. Using a smart irrigation system that adjusts to weather conditions can prevent overwatering and conserve water.

Beyond our own backyards, the impact of drought on local wildlife cannot be overlooked. Creating a wildlife-friendly garden with bird baths, feeders, and native plants provides essential resources for birds, bees, and other creatures struggling in these dry conditions.

While some rain is in the forecast, it may not be enough to fully alleviate the drought. By taking proactive steps now, we can help our lawns, gardens, and local ecosystems weather this unexpected dry spell and be better prepared for the future.