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Oregon militia standoff member sues US $666B over ‘works of devil’

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – Shawna Cox, one of the original occupiers at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge who is now facing federal charges, has sued the US government for $666 billion.

The counter suit seeks “damages from the works of the devil in excess of $666,666,666,666.66 Six hundred sixty six billion, six hundred sixty six million, six hundred sixty six thousand, six hundred sixty six dollars and sixty six cents.”

She was among the first 16 people indicted by federal officials for her role in the takeover. She was arrested Jan. 26 and released from the Multnomah County Detention Center on Jan. 29 with some conditions.

Cox, 59, is under GPS monitoring and a home detention schedule that allows her local travel for employment, medical appointments, religious and other activities with the approval of her pretrial release supervision officer.

The judge ordered that Cox neither own, possess, nor control any type of weapon while on release. Cox will also be under GPS monitoring and is under “home detention,” according to court documents.

Cox is also prohibited from having any contact with any of the co-defendants in the case, including Ammon Bundy.

In the lawsuit filed in Oregon, claims she “came to the assistance of economically vulnerable individuals who were being harassed, threatened,intimidated, persecuted and incarcerated by arrogant, narcissi (sic) Federal Government officials who have organized together to highjack and steal our Constitutional form of government from the people of the United States of America.”