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Fishers I-69 interchange construction to slow traffic

FISHERS, Ind (WISH) – A busy stretch of road in Hamilton County could become a bigger headache for drivers.

Interstate 69 in Fishers is a stretch many Hamilton County drivers know well.

“It’s already backed up in the afternoons,” Fishers resident David Filar said. “It kind of starts a little bit Monday, and then by Friday it’s really bad.”

Which is why a possible eight-month construction project doesn’t have everyone excited. “It’s going to be a really pain in the neck,” Filar said. “You might as well leave early and work late and come home late. How people will be able to do their sports after work with their kids, I have no idea.”

“It’s going to be worth it in the end,” Fishers resident Kyle Malone said. “The key factor is with school being out in summer that might lessen the traffic flow.”

The $22 million project will add an interchange to 106th Street, something Fishers leaders said is badly needed to decrease traffic from the 116th Street and 96th Street interchanges.

Work will start Monday by shifting cars away from the median. The following week the 106th Street bridge will be closed.

Work to demolish it will start in mid-April. This will cause overnight lane closures and shifting lanes.

This project won’t only make I-69 look a little different with the lane changes, but it will also change how fast you can drive. Going through the construction project, you’ll have to slow down to 55 miles per hour.

It’s a slew of changes that some drivers hope won’t make this stretch more unbearable.

“You can’t speed through construction,” Malone said. “You can’t rush and get in front of another driver, so everyone will have to slow down, obey the speed limits and just be patient.”

To learn more about the project, click here.