Carmel High School group fix computers, give them to students in need

CARMEL, Ind. (WISH) — A group of Carmel High School students is aiming to make sure all students have a computer at home.

It’s part of a program called Net Literacy. It was started in 2003 by a Carmel Middle School student.

Students fix computers and give them to kids in the district who don’t have one at home. They’ve also provided computers to non-profits and libraries.

In total, the group estimates that they have donated 37,000 computers since Net Literacy was formed.

According to Net Literacy, having a computer at home increases the likelihood that a student will graduate from high school by seven percent. The group talks to principals and guidance counselors to determine who needs a computer.

Some of the work is done during class, but a lot of it is done after school.

Depending on the day, as many as 25 kids participate. They fix all of the hardware and install programs on the computers.

“I think it’s really cool to enable them to connect with the rest of the world without having to spend their entire discretionary income on it,” Carmel High School Junior Cole Ferguson said.

The group estimates that they have restored 600 computers this year. Next year they will also start working on laptops. If that’s not enough, the students also work with senior citizens to help them navigate the internet.