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Hamilton Co. fastest growing county, US college enrollment falling

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Hamilton County is the fastest growing county in Indiana, U.S. college enrollment is falling.

Hamilton County saw 13 percent growth in the past five years.

Boone County closely follows with nearly 12 percent growth.

Behind Hamilton and Boone Counties is Hendricks at about nine percent growth; Tippecanoe is at 7.5 percent, and Johnson County is at seven percent.

In other business headlines, U.S. college enrollment peaked in 2010 at just over 21 million students. Attendance has dropped every year since.

By the fall of 2014, the most recent year government data is available, there were 812,069 fewer students walking around college campuses.

Some say not to worry the drop is happening because the economy is improving. More people are going back to work instead of signing up for additional degrees.

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