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Slam Dunk Skies: All-Star Game Meets Indianapolis Chill

Drew Narsutis’ 6 p.m. Sunday Forecast – 2/18/2024


As basketball fans convene for the NBA All-Star Game, they’ll be greeted by an evening of stellar clarity, with temperatures dropping to a brisk 22°F. The clarity of the sky may give way to patches of fog after 5am, a silent reminder of nature’s unpredictability. While the west wind at 5 to 10 mph ensures a crisp feel, attendees should be wary of potentially icy roads as the night’s cold can foster slick spots, particularly on bridges and overpasses.


The holiday morning may dawn with remnants of fog, yet the sun will soon assert itself, pushing the day’s high to a pleasant 42°F. The calm air, shifting south near 5 mph, whispers of the spring to come, gently coaxing the city out of its wintry slumber and into a day of celebration and reflection, befitting of Washington’s Birthday.


The evening sky remains mostly clear, and as the temperature descends to a low around 27°F, the south-southeast wind at 6 mph will be a subtle harbinger of the warmer air on its heels, wrapping up the day with a promise of continued thaw.


Tuesday introduces itself with generous sun and a high cresting at 50°F. The south-southeast wind, maintaining a gentle pace at 6 to 9 mph, will aid in dispelling any lingering chill, setting a tranquil rhythm for the day’s activities.


Looking ahead, a warming trend will define the upcoming week, with Wednesday seeing highs flirting with the upper 50s. This warmth, however, comes with a caveat; rain chances loom as the week progresses, with Thursday likely to see showers. The precise nature of these showers holds some uncertainty, with the potential for icy patches as night temperatures dip. Residents should remain vigilant for changes in the forecast, particularly as the system in question nears, potentially impacting the latter part of the week with wetter and cooler conditions.