Kid-ing with Kayla: When your child catches you skipping lines in a book
Kid-ing with Kayla: My son is on to me! Most nights, I read every line and every page of not one but FIVE books my son asks me to read before bed. However, I was a little too eager to get into the hot tub last night so I decided to skip a couple lines, words and pages. Allan knew every time. “That’s not right!” he said. “You skipped a line.” I was caught red handed and he was not going to accept anything less than an accurate reading.
Is this the end of a parenting era?
I can’t decide if Allan memorized the books or he actually has started learning to read. Either way, I’m impressed. However, I am realizing that this new development will require patience. If he is learning to read, that’s so exciting! I need to prepare for him to very slowly attempt to read to me now. I think it’s time to buy very simple books with three words per page like, “The cat ran.”
What did you do when your child started reading? Did you ever get caught skipping lines in a book? Let us know on Facebook!