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Community Link: Mojo Up

Community Link: Mojo Up

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Each week on Community Link, Carolene Mays takes a look at an organization or business that is making a positive impact on the community.

This week, Mays was joined by Travis Brown, founder and chief executive officer, of Mojo Up.

Helping clients tell their stories and shape their brands, Mojo Up leads businesses to make their greatest impact.

Brown started Mojo Up in 2019. He says part of his motivation to start Mojo Up comes from wanting to help people see their full potential.

“We (saw) people that were really good at what they did and they had a lot of success, but not enough people knew how great they were,” Brown said. “I just wanted to be a part of helping people tell their story, you know? Shape their brain so they can make their greatest impact.”

Brown shares that before starting Mojo Up, he didn’t have a marketing background. He spent much of his career as a practitioner and motivational speaker. But through his work, he says he learned how to build his own brand and market himself.

He also shares what a client would benefit from through his company. Mojo Up works with both big enterprises and nonprofits, Brown says, and while nonprofits are trying to make an impact, most might not know where to start or how to do it.

“We come alongside, we build a blueprint for them, which really helps them understand the right way to build a brand and go to market. Then, we actually help them execute it – do all the cool things, right?” Brown said. “The graphic design, the video production, the social media, and put it in the market to really help the people they are trying to connect with the most.”

Brown also discusses some of Mojo Up’s current and past clients and how they have helped them build their brand, and shares with Mays the different programs Mojo Up offers to help businesses build their blueprints and launch to the next chapter.

Watch the full interview above to learn more.