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Indianapolis sorority to host VP Kamala Harris on Wednesday

Your Vote 2024: Zeta Phil Beta confirms Kamala Harrison to visit Indianapolis

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Vice President Kamala Harris will address the sorority Zeta Phi Beta, Incorporated on Wednesday morning in Indianapolis.

Stacie NC Grant, the president and chief executive officer of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority confirmed the visit to News 8 on Monday afternoon.

This visit was planned before Harris announced she would run for President, and the sorority knows this visit will be an opportunity to witness history, no matter the outcome.

“Being addressed by the vice president is exciting and it’s one exciting part of a full week of activities for the members of Zeta Phi Beta, Incorporated,” Grant said.

Harris will address the sorority at their biannual Grand Boule, a sorority-wide week-long event to address ongoing business and empower the women in the organization to continue their mission of service and sisterhood.

Grant says hearing from the second in command of the United States is an honor no matter what happens in the fall election.

“That goes down in history no matter what the political affiliation is of our members or anyone who will be viewing,” Grant said. “This is about history happening because she still is the sitting vice president of the United States. And what else happens from here? We’ll just be excited that we were a part of history as it unfolded right here.”

Zeta Phi Beta is a women’s organization. Grant wants people to remember that the goal of her organization is to lift women up, and this is an opportunity to do that.

“It’s wonderful when you can see yourself in somebody else and as a member of this organization, as a woman it is just exciting to see any woman achieve success,” Grant said. “I believe when one person wins we all win. So for us, it’s just exciting to watch history unfold.”

Members are also excited to hear from a national leader.

“We are so excited to have her come but I am a little nervous. I can’t wait to see her,” said Daphne Caldwell, a Kansas City, Missouri, Zeta Phi Beta member. “It feels like women are going to be empowered. We can’t wait to hear all the policies she has for us. And not just for women but for everyone in the whole country.”

“It will be a moment they always remember,” Grant said. “It will be an opportunity to hear for themselves so they can make their own decision on how they want to move forward but whatever their orientation is on a political scope it won’t compare to the history-making opportunity to be able to say ‘I was there. I sat in the seats in Indianapolis, Indiana, and listened to one of the highest ranking, the second in command, for the United States of America.’”

Grant said if Harris wins, it will change politics and leadership forever.

“It would be something that we’ve never seen in our lifetime. And we’re a diverse organization. We’re predominately African American but we have many races represented in our organization,” Grant said. “So it’s going to be wonderful just as women to be able to see this kind of history play out and little girls growing up all across this country can dream that dream that one day that could be me.”

Harris is set to make her first Midwest appearance on Tuesday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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