Community Link: Support for domestic violence victims at Coburn Place
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Each week on Community Link, Carolene Mays takes a look at an organization or business that is making a positive impact on the community.
This week, Mays was joined by Deeandria Hampton, grants program director, and Tracy Clark, director of supportive services, to talk about domestic violence in Indiana and the support victims can find at Coburn Place.
Coburn Place offers people up to two years to live rent free, utility free, and to get support. The organization provides a holistic approach to healing, providing child care and family services like therapy and workshops.
“What people need in order to heal and to become equipped to live thriving lives is more than just housing,” Hampton said. It takes time and people who offer compassionate support while you’re healing.
Domestic abuse isn’t just physical abuse, but it can be emotional, financial, and even spiritual. “A lot of times people are in a domestic violence relationship but they don’t realize it,” Clark said.
Indiana is ranked fifth in the country in domestic violence rates, with over 40% of women and 28% of men who have experienced it. “There were over 30,000 domestic violence related calls to IMPD,” Hampton said.
To learn more about Coburn Place and the help it provides, watch the video above.