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Hogsett: Face masks required in Marion County starting July 9

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Wearing a face mask is becoming a requirement in public in Marion County.

On Thursday, Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett announced that wearing a face mask will be required starting July 9.

Prior to making the announcement, Hogsett stated the number of cases in Marion County and the number of deaths in the county related to the virus.

“This isn’t complicated. It’s a piece of cloth that could save your life and the lives of those around you. It is the right thing to do,” said Hogsett. “If you are willfully choosing to not follow this order, you are dead wrong in the fullest sense of that expression. This weekend, we celebrate those who did the difficult things to preserve personal freedom, not those who insisted their own comfort was more important.”

Here are some of the things you need to know:

  • Residents are required to wear face masks when in public indoor spaces
  • Residents are required to wear face masks when in public outdoor spaces when social distancing is not possible
  • Overnight camps will remain closed
  • Indoor visiting for nursing homes is prohibited
  • Any event with an anticipated attendance over 1,000 must submit a plan for approval to the Marion County Public Health Department

Other changes will mirror the state’s plan announced by Gov. Holcomb on Wednesday.

Street closures for Mass Ave, downtown and Broad Ripple will also be extended through July 19.

“It is our hope that over those two weeks we can continue to engage with the affected business owners as we chart a course for a longer-term, sustainable solution for these key commercial corridors,” Hogsett said.

“Wear your mask for your neighbors, for your friends, for your family. Wear your mask for the City of Indianapolis,” Marion County Public Health Department Director Dr. Virginia Caine said.

So, what about enforcement? What could happen if individuals do not comply with the mask mandate?

“You will still have individuals who are concerned with their civil and independent rights that will not want to comply. For those individuals, we will be looking to fine, whether it’s an individual or business,” said Caine.

Anyone interested in receiving a face mask for free can click here.