Transgender students praise Obama’s letter to schools

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – Transgender students around the county are praising a move by President Obama.

The Obama administration issued a directive on May 12 stating that public schools must permit transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity.

The decision is sure to ruffle some feathers, as some states have recently passed laws on the topic. For others, it’s a promising and much needed statement.

Liam Posovich, a senior at Grant High School, admits there were challenges when it game to using the restroom when he came out 18 months ago.

“Like what if someone is like ‘what are you doing here?’ or recognizes me from before I was out?” Posovich said.

“Any person who comes out as trans faces backlash,” Posovich said. “It’s my right to be who I am.”

The White House letter sent to every public school in the county offers guidance for how transgender students should be treated. It dictates that transgender students are not to be discriminated against and should be treated consistent with their gender identity, even if it differs from school records.

“This is in response to extensive requests for guidance,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said.

The letter also said schools must not treat transgender students any differently than other students.

This is welcome news for Posovich.

“It’s incredible,” he said. “It still shows the nation that this is where we stand and that we support transgender students and children and adults and just the entire transgender community.”

Many schools in Oregon and Washington have already been operating under similar guidelines.

“Everyone is allowed to have an opinion,” Posovich said. “but I hope they can listen to my story.”