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Salvation Army Indiana sends top official to eastern Europe

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Humanitarian efforts are well underway in eastern Europe as the world tries to help those fleeing Ukraine following Russia’s invasion.

The Salvation Army Indiana Division sent its top emergency disaster official, Maj. Mike McKee, to the region to help with the organization’s relief efforts. 

McKee has more than 30 years of experience responding to crises around the globe. Earlier this week, he traveled to Romania, where he is currently stationed to help address the needs of the Ukrainian refugees fleeing to the country.

On Tuesday’s UnPhiltered, McKee spoke with News 8’s Phil Sanchez about the efforts.

“I’m stationed up here now in Bucharest, and we’re kind of a transit point,” McKee said. “There’s a lot of people who will stay close to the border, and they’re hoping that any day, they’ll be able to get back home. But, in the meantime, there’s a lot of people fleeing and they’re leaving to come through Romania, to Europe, mostly. So we have a station here where they come by and, you know, they get a lot of clothes and different kinds of things that they need so that they can continue their journey.”

To watch the full interview, click on the video above.