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Wednesday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here’s a look at Wednesday’s business headlines with Jane King.

Inflation report due out Wednesday

This is consumer prices: a basket of items like food, energy, and shelter, and what we are paying for them.
while it’s expected to have eased in March, it’s likely still historically high. The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates to try to bring down inflation, but the central bank risks sending the economy into a recession by hiking rates too high too fast.

Biden administration considers rules for artificial intelligence

The Biden administration has begun examining whether checks need to be placed on artificial intelligence tools such as chatbots. There are worries that the technology could lead to harmful information, discrimination, and other problems. One option is that potentially risky new AI models should go through a certification process before they are released.

Twitter no longer exists as company

Twitter is dead. It’s all “x corp” now. Court filings detail that Twitter no longer exists and that it’s been subsumed by x corp, Elon Musk’s long-talked-up ‘everything app.’ Musk has proposed that Twitter morph into an app that is part social media, part payment processor, and part vacation booking.

Boeing tops airbus in plane deliveries for first time

Boeing delivered more jets in a single quarter than its arch-rival airbus for the first time since mid-2018.
It built 737 jetliners at a steady pace and cleared already-built max and 787 Dreamliner from its storage yard. Airbus was hurt by parts shortages.