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Top Ten Animal Toxins of 2018

Top Ten Animal Toxins of 2018

Top Ten Animal Toxins of 2018

Keep your furry friends save from dangers around the home that can happen in an instant.

Thomas F. Dock, Director of Communications/Public Information Office, Noah’s Animal Hospitals, shares the TOP 10 animal toxins of 2018. 

Top Ten Animal Toxins of 2018

1)    Pet Poison Prevention Week was March 17th – 23rd, serves as an important reminder

2)    According to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, the top offending products for poisoning pets in 2018 were:

3)    Over the counter medications (#1):  More than 41,000 cases were reported to the ASPCA with pain relieving medications, herbal supplements and antihistamines topping the list.  Many of these products can be DEADLY to our pets, especially cats!

4)    Human Prescriptions (#2):  Formerly the #1 offender, pet owners were either more observant or more careful in 2018, but there were still almost 37,000 calls about heart meds, antidepressants, and ADHD medications.

5)    Food (#3):  Things like Xylitol, grapes, raisins, currants, onions and garlic produced a call to the poison control center almost 25,000 times

6)    Chocolate (#4):  Inching up from #5 last year, chocolate continues to cause issues for pets, especially our dogs.  There were about 60 cases a day in 2018 (more than 21,600)

7)    Veterinary Products (#5):  Many pet prescriptions are flavored to appeal to our pets and make it easier for us to provide the needed medications.  Unfortunately, this also makes the pet desire the “treat” more readily and overdoses do happen!

8)    Other offending things include Household Items (#6, paint, Gorilla Glue, cleaning products), Rodenticides (#7, mouse and rat bait,-often deadly), Insecticides (#8, ant and bug bait, sprays, etc…danger depends on product), Plants (#9…sago palm, lilies, etc) and Garden Products (#10…mulch, compost, fertilizer, cocoa mulch)

9)    Just like we do with kids, it is important to “pet proof” your home and keep an eye out for possible dangers. 

10)    Keep medications out of reach of pets and remember “child-proof” does not equal “pet proof”.  

If you suspect your pet has ingested products like the ones listed above, seek veterinary care immediately.  You can also call the ASPCA Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435…there is a fee for this service.  The Pet Poison Helpline is also available at 855-764-7661… their fee is $59.

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