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Coming up on the next “Business, Equity and Opportunities” – Sunday, February 4, 2024

  • Travis Brown, founder of Mojo Up Marketing + Media
    • OMWBD’S Vendor of the Month
  • Shaun Hawkins, managing partner Pier 70 Ventures
    • Access to Capital opportunities in 2024
  • Emil Ekiyor, founder and CEO of InnoPower, Indy
    • All-Star Minority Business and Opportunity Weekend
  • Courtney Kincaid, President and CEO of the Indiana CPA Society
    • How to navigate transglobal business finances
  • Andrea Liebross, certified business and life coach, CEO and author of “She Thinks Big”
    • To Do or To Delegate
  • Leland Baptist, small business consultant
    • Software to help a small business grow