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Group of German tourists break world record for most beers drank in three hours

A group of 55 German tourists set the new world record for the most beers drank in a three-hour period at an event in Mallorca, Spain. (Getty Images)

MALLORCA, Spain (WISH) — A world record was broken in Spain’s capital for “Drunken Tourism,” in October.

According to Oddity Central, a website dedicated to reporting on weird events worldwide, a group of 55 German tourists broke the world record for the most beers drank in three hours.

The beer lovers gathered at a bar in Playa de Palma in Mallorca, Spain, an area known for its late-night drinking scene.

The group, led by Kai Uwe Kahmann, a 62-year-old German businessman, told Diario AS, a Spanish culture website, that they organized the group through WhatsApp a few months before the attempt.

The kicker? They had never met in person until then. Regardless, the night went on without a hitch.

In total, the Germans drank 1,254 beers in a two-and-a-half-hour period. On average, each person drank 22 brews, or approximately 7.6 beers per person per hour.

In July, a different group of German tourists set the previous record by drinking 1,111 beers.

“Everything was done in an orderly manner, no one lost their nerve or got out of line,” Kahmann said. “It was a really great group and a lot of fun.”

In the end, the group was left with a bill of €2,380, or about $2,534.