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Jack Harvey reflects on the time he lived in IMS President’s basement

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – NTT IndyCar Series driver Jack Harvey is preparing for this Sunday’s Indianapolis 500.

During his time at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, he runs into a lot of people: team members, fellow competitors, fans and IMS personnel.

One of those people he sees a lot at the track is IMS President Doug Boles.

In fact, the two of them know each other well, as Harvey used to live in Boles’ basement for a short time.

“I got a chance to meet Jack when Conor (Daly) and Jack were both in GP2,” said Boles. “And he thought about coming to the U.S. and figuring out if he could race here. So, when he came over one fall, trying to figure out if the U.S. would be the right place for him, so he actually ended up living in the basement with us.”

Boles told News 8 Sports’ Andrew Chernoff that Harvey was a good house guest.

“He was great to have,” said Boles. “Beth, my wife, loved Jack because Jack and Beth would get in these long conversations about everything that wasn’t racing, where Conor and I, all we all talk about’s racing.”

Harvey added that he had a great time getting to know the family as well.

“As a family goes, you’re really not going to meet just a nicer group of people,” said Harvey. “Just happenstance he’s also the president of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.”

Harvey will start 32nd in Sunday’s race.