19-year-old arrested after threat at Frankton-Lapel alternative school


Francisco Martinez Hernandez was formally charged March 12 in Madison Circuit Court 5 with intimidation where threat is to commit a forcible felony. A pretrial conference is set for May 14.PREVIOUS

ANDERSON, Ind. (WISH) — A 19-year-old is in jail after he commented to another student Thursday, Feb. 22, about his access to guns and plans to shoot up the school, the Madison County sheriff said.

Francisco Martinez Hernandez, of Anderson, made the comments at the the Frankton-Lapel district’s alternative school, which in the district’s administration building, said the sheriff and Superintendent Bobby Fields. The student excused herself from class and went to Assistant Superintendent Sterling Boles. Boles called the Madison County Sheriff’s Office, Fields said.

The call came in to the sheriff’s office at 9:53 a.m. Thursday, said a news release from the sheriff’s office.

The alternative school provides online classes for high school juniors and seniors who need additional credits to graduate, Fields said.

The school superintendent said the sheriff’s office is investigating to determine if the threat is credible. However, Fields said, the district acts on all threats as if they are credible. The superintendent sent an email to parents later Thursday that encouraged them to talk with their children about not making such threats, even just as comments.

Martinez-Hernandez admitted to police that he told another student he had access to guns and plans to shoot up the school. Martinez-Hernandez was preliminarily charged with intimidation and was being held in the Madison County Detention Center, the release said. The Madison County prosecutor would decide on formal charges.

The administration building where the alternative school is located sits about 2 miles northwest of Anderson at the intersection of county roads 800 West and 300 North.

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