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All Indiana Artist: Taylor Hernly

All Indiana Artist: Singer teamed up with Waylon Jennings’ grandson

Taylor Hernly, a talented drummer, was born and raised in Mooresville, Indiana.

From a young age, he showed interest in music, especially in playing the drums.

As he grew up, Taylor’s passion for music turned into a serious career.

Throughout his musical journey, Taylor has had the opportunity to work with several well-known artists.

He has played drums for Josh Morningstar, a name known among country music fans. Taylor also joined the Rumpke Mountain Boys, a group famous for their unique blend of music.

But one of the highlights of his career is playing with the legendary David Allan Coe, a star in the world of country music.

Today, Taylor Hernly is not just a drummer for other artists; he has made a name for himself.

He released his debut album, which was well-received by both critics and fans.

The album helped him build a strong and dedicated fanbase who admire his skills and the energy he brings to his music.

Taylor’s story is a testament to following one’s passion and working hard. From the small town of Mooresville to stages shared with famous musicians, Taylor Hernly has truly made his mark in the music world.

His fans eagerly await his next performances and future projects, as he continues to grow and inspire as a musician.