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David Everitt: Tackling online safety in the social media age

New app to protect children on games

David Everitt is an expert on keeping kids safe online.

He is the CEO of GameSafe, a company that helps parents know when someone might be trying to harm their child in online games.

GameSafe warns parents if it sees strange or unsafe chats happening.

These days, there are many videos on social media where regular people try to catch and embarrass adults who might harm children.

This idea is similar to a TV show from the early 2000s called “To Catch a Predator.” Now, with smartphones and social media, these actions are more visible. People can watch these confrontations live, or they can see edited versions online later.

There is no big group that controls all these actions. Instead, different people across almost three-fourths of the U.S. states have started doing this on their own.

They share their actions on social media and have many people following them. However, the main goal for many seems to be getting more attention on social media rather than working with the police to legally handle these situations.

David Everitt believes that focusing on social media fame might not be the best way to truly protect children.

His work with GameSafe aims to create a safer environment for children by directly alerting parents to potential dangers, and helping prevent harm before it happens.

This approach shows a different way of handling the threat of online predators, focusing on prevention and safety rather than public shaming.