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How to keep makeup on during the summer, featuring Temara Payton

How to keep makeup on during the summer, featuring Temara Payton

Wearing makeup in the summer can be a challenge because of the heat.

Temara Payton, News 8’s beauty consultant expert, joined “us “All Indiana” on Thursday’s show to share her tips and tricks on how to keep makeup lasting all day in the summer heat.

Dewy looks and light makeup are key!

To stay cool, start with a lightweight moisturizer and use a primer to help makeup stay in place.

Choose a foundation with a light texture or use a tinted moisturizer to avoid a heavy feel.

Setting makeup with a translucent powder can help control shine and keep the face looking fresh.

Another tip is to use waterproof products, especially for eyes.

Waterproof mascara and eyeliner can prevent smudging and keep a look intact all day.

Opt for cream-based blushes and eyeshadows as they tend to stay put better in the heat.

Carry blotting papers to dab away excess oil without ruining makeup.

These simple steps can help people feel cool and confident while wearing makeup in the summer.