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Is This Anything?: Bo Jackson sniffs Porcupine’s butt to cure hiccups ; Robert De Niro has seventh child at 79-years-old

Baseball legend, Bo Jackson says he’s been suffering from non-stop hiccups for about a year and has tried several well-known remedies to rid himself of them, including – sniffing a porcupine’s rear end.

“I have done everything!” He says. “Scare me, drink water upside down, smell the [expletive] of a porcupine — it doesn’t work.” Jackson hasn’t come out and said where he got the idea that the whiff of a porcupine’s butt would do the trick but it’s a good thing he tried it out so none of us has to.

Nigel of WIBCs popular radio show Hammer & Nigel says “I’ve heard of it all but I’ve never heard that!” he continued on to say “I can’t stand hiccups for 5 minutes, let alone a whole year!”

A year of hiccups may seem absurd however it actually isn’t the longest someone has suffered from the bellows of hiccups. Iowa resident, Charles Osborne had the hiccups for a whopping 68 years! His hiccups started at the age of 20 until his death, according to the Guinness World Records.

Later in the segment, Hammer & Nigel chatted about superstar actor, Robert De Niro becoming a father again at 79-years-old totaling 7 children. “He’s got a big family! I’d say this is something!” Hammer exclaimed.

De Niro welcomed his baby girl, Gia Virginia Chen, with his girlfriend Tiffany Chen on Thursday, April 6th of this year. The baby was born weighing 8lbs, 6oz.

To learn more about these trending topics, watch the full interview above.