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Coffee shop owner speaks out after ‘pop-up wedding’ that overran business

Pop-up wedding takes over coffee shop (corrected)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The owner of the coffee shop that was overrun by a so-called “pop-up wedding” on New Year’s Eve said the group never reserved the space or paid for it.

Ana Lezama co-owns the coffee shop, Mansion Society, with her mother, Zorayda Lezama. Ana Lezama told News 8 that the small shop was overwhelmed by the influx of people to the store.

“When the bride came in, she came in holding her flowers and everything and they started humming the wedding song,” Lezama said. “So she came in straight to the marriage so there was no time to stop or anything because the officiant started speaking.”

The coffee shop in the Near Westside area is at 202 Steeples Blvd. That’s north of the intersection North Tibbs Avenue and Washington Street near Christel House West Academy.

The group stayed for over an hour taking photos, blocking paying customers from ordering, and generally being disruptive, all while very few ordered something themselves.

Mansion Society shared a video of the incident on their Instagram page. The shop is at the former Central State Mansion.

The owners have defended their decision not to kick out the couple or call the cops because they were worried it would create bad press for the small business.

“We thought that even just a small clip of us stopping that wedding could be posted on their end and it could have totally ruined what we built in two years,” Lezama said.

The owners said it is not uncommon for large groups from weddings to come to their shop because there is a wedding venue next door, so when these guests arrived before the prior, it was business as usual.

“We didn’t think anything of it. It’s not uncommon to get 10, 15 people around one scope when they’re part of a group, especially with the wedding venue next door,” Lezama said.

The business charges a $500 event rental fee to use the space. The bride offered a $200 donation after the fact but the business asked for the full fee in an email. That email is on their Instagram.

“That’s when we replied [with] the email that we posted and then after that, she just said ‘That’s unreasonable,’” Lezama said. “And never replied to anything else ever again.”

Ultimately, the team at Mansion Society said they need to be paid to keep the doors open.

“And while we agree that a wedding is a special day we are a small business,” Lezama said. “We are not a large corporation and at the end of the day, we can not afford to give away free things or give away our space for free. We have a business to run.”

The Mansion Society owners said at this time they have no plans to take the couple to small claims court over the fee due to the expense and headache it would cause.

News 8 attempted to get the contact information for the wedding couple but the team at Mansion Society chose not to share it over privacy concerns.

Mansion Society first shared this story on its Instagram page. The original post was shared over a week ago, the first update was posted two days later, and the second update was posted three days after that.