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UAW members in Kokomo to hold practice picket rally amid national strike expansion

UAW expands strikes against GM & Stellantis

KOKOMO, Ind. (WISH) — United Automotive Workers members in Kokomo are paying close attention to any announcements on the strike action against Stellantis.

They say they are ready to take the picket lines.

“We were all at the edge of our seats wondering if it was going to be us, so they’ve got a strategy. They’ve got a game plan,” said Andrew Keating from UAW Local 685.

Keating says enough is enough. “For us, we’re asking Stellantis for the same opportunity. Come to the table, give us an opportunity to bargain in good faith, and show a little bit of decency toward your employees.”

Keating is part of the UAW Local 685 in Kokomo, where Stellantis says 300 workers are expected to be laid off at two facilities due to storage constraints.

“Actually, there were some people that just came into the hall and asked about it, so I think right now, with Kokomo being affected in that, you know the layoff, there’s going to be more people coming over here and reaching out,” he said.

Keating says everyone deserves to make a fair living, “You know family time and away from the actual work and with all the forced overtime and having to work seven days a week, and a lot of these members that are out here are doing the exact same things.”

While Indiana has not been asked yet to strike, they are waiting with their signs for direction to take action.

“Basically, we have everything ready to go. We got everything for the picket duties and all the gates assignments. We’re prepared,” Keating said.

He’s hoping that everyone will show them support.

“This is American jobs and American families, and our fight is not just for our own family and our own kids and our own wives, it’s for the middle class as a whole, so I’m hoping people can understand that and see that,” Keating said.

UAW Local 685 will hold a Red Shirt rally outside its building located at 929 E Hoffer St. on Sunday.

The rally will begin at 5 p.m., but rallygoers are encouraged to arrive at 4 p.m.

According to organizers, the public is welcome, and any and all local unions are invited.