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Federal agencies ordered to halt voter registration services in Indiana

(Photo Provided/Diego for Indiana)

INDIANAPOLIS (WIBC) — Secretary of State Diego Morales has ordered more than 100 federal agencies to stop providing voter registration services in the Hoosier state.

Morales told these agencies to obtain state permission before engaging in election-related activities.

His orders stem from an executive order issued by President Joe Biden in 2021 that mandates federal agencies to investigate ways to encourage people to vote. Biden’s order said options must be “consistent with applicable law.”

“This letter from my office is in response to the broad executive order from President Biden directing federal agencies to engage in election activity,” Morales posted on X.  “States know best regarding our elections. We don’t need federal government overreach to run safe, secure elections!”

“The enthusiasm I have towards increasing our state’s voter registration and turnout numbers is immeasurable.  Since the start of my administration, an unprecedented level of direct and financial assistance has been allocated to different counties. Alongside my team, we have blanketed the Hoosier state with voter outreach efforts, from festivals to county fairs to sporting events,” he added in a release.

Morales has shared several events he believes will boost voter turnout and participation in the upcoming November election.