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Allergist offers tips on battling spring allergies

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Spring is here, and so are seasonal allergies.

It’s important to know the difference between allergies, coronavirus, and general upper respiratory infections, says Ascension St. Vincent allergist Dr. Mason Goodman.

“COVID-19 is a viral infection, so the issue between COVID-19, general upper respiratory infections, and allergies are sometimes difficult to tease out,” Goodman said. “The main issue is that people who have viral infections, especially COVID-19, usually have a fever. The rest of them usually do not.”

In Indiana and the Ohio Valley, the time of year can tell us a lot about the allergens that are causing reactions, Goodman says.

“In late February, March, April…that’s tree pollens. As we get a little bit later in the year, we start to get grass involved. And then, at the end of summer and early fall we tend to get into weeds, especially ragweed around here. So we’re right in the midst of it then right now, especially the tree pollens,” Goodman said.

There are a number of treatments for people with seasonal allergies, according to Goodman, including antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, and nasal rinses. Keeping windows closed, using air conditioners, taking shoes off indoors, and showering and washing clothes after going outside can help cut down on allergy symptoms.