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Some Indiana lawmakers want to strip Kinsey Institute of public funds

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Some lawmakers in the Indiana House of Representatives want to pull public funding from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University in Bloomington.

1st term State Rep. Lorissa Sweet from Wabash created an amendment to the state budget bill House Bill 1001 in part because of the Kinsey Institute founder Alfred Kinsey, “If Alfred Kinsey were alive today there would be a debate over who damaged more children. Jeffrey Epstein, or Alfred Kinsey,” Sweet said.

The Kinsey Institute at IU has been conducting research into human sexuality since the 1940s.

“This institute and it’s name sake have a history of child sex studies much of which have been referred to as crimes against children,” Sweet said.

She insinuated that the Kinsey Institute is potentially harboring sexual predators to this day, “I for one do not want one cent of Hoosiers tax dollars to help shield child sex predators.”

During the house session, State Representative Matt Pierce from Bloomington said he’s toured the Kinsey Institute and spoken with it’s researchers.

He vigorously defended the legacy of Alfred Kinsey and the work still being done today, “This kind of reminds me of the good old days when people used to stand up and say ‘I have a list of 100 communists in the State Department. We better get them out of there in a hurry,’” Rep. Pierce said. He added “There are no sexual predators and there never have been at the Kinsey Institute because believe me, if they did, somebody would have done something about it. Prosecutors and law enforcement are not going to stand by and let kids be abused. It’s not going to happen.”

The amendment to HB 1001 passed 53-34.

7 Republicans joined all Democrats in voting against it.

I-Team 8 asked Indiana University about this situation, but they have not responded to our request for comment at the time of publication.

The most recent annual report for the Kinsey Institute highlighted research related to sexual function in adults with trauma histories, dating in the United States post pandemic, and research focused on preventing sexual assault among rural Indiana youth.

Their website also highlights the institutes research on condom use, disability and sexual health, and relationship dynamics.

State House Speaker Todd Huston cast doubt on the future of the amendment.

“Do you think Indiana University is shielding sexual predators as was alleged on the floor,” asked a member of the media during a scrum interview on Thursday.

“I think the introduction and presentation of that amendment was extraordinarily disappointing, but I think the majority of our caucus just wanted to make sure that no dollars, public dollars, went to the Kinsey Institute,” Huston said.

HB 1001 passed through the house on Thursday. It now makes it’s way over to the senate.