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Street racing arrest in Indianapolis brings attention to an ever-growing problem

I-Team 8: Street-racing crackdown in Indianapolis

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department says they caught two street racers Sunday night because they ran into somebody who was simply driving along the road.

The pictures of Kendall Taylor and Cesar Carbajal were taken at the Marion County jail late Sunday. Police say the two men were caught racing on West Kessler Boulevard North Drive.

The race didn’t end in a typical racing photo finish – it ended with a crash that injured a woman.   

“One of the officers on the scene was a certified accident investigator who determined the two vehicles were traveling at a high rate of speed and one of those vehicles struck a third vehicle from behind,” Lt. Shane Foley, a public information officer with IMPD, told I-Team 8.  

Both men face charges that include reckless driving and taking part in a speed contest. 

The west side of Indianapolis has become a magnet for speeders, street racers, and spinners. I-Team 8 also reported on a video of street racers doing spins in a west side parking lot in early March.

And later in August, I-Team 8 shared a video on how Louisville police are dealing with street racing.

If you are caught spinning or racing, Louisville Metro police will confiscate your car. 

“Any vehicle, not the drivers, but the vehicles that are used to do some of these vehicle exhibitions or illegal street racing or even the vehicles that are used to block our access while these things are going on, those vehicles can be seized and held for up to six months and the registered owner can be fined up to $1000 on the first offense and $2000 on the second time,” said Ronald Fey, supervisor of the Louisville Metro Police Department’s Traffic Unit. 

A spokesperson for Louisville police told I-Team 8 that the ordinance has drastically slowed down street racing and spinning in their area. When I-Team 8 previously reported on the story, Louisville police confiscated at least 12 cars from Indiana drivers. 

The Indianapolis City-County Council has not taken any similar action to stop illegal street racing.  

“But just being involved in a speed contest alone, I’m not aware of any legal justification for us to be able to take someone’s car,” Foley said

I-Team 8 received videos of street racing along Madison Avenue on the south side of town from the weekend of Sept. 9. I-Team 8 asked IMPD if they had plans for additional patrols in the area.  

“So, a lot of this is bringing this to our attention sharing with our district commanders and through our traffic complaint website so we understand where these issues are taking place,” Foley said.

As for the two speeders caught Sunday, the prosecutor’s office is reviewing their case.